The following items may be purchased using Pay Pal 
or you may print the order form and pay by check:
Flag Patch & Right Breast Patches are owner sewn. 
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive your Jacket as they are a special order.
Ordering 2/1 Merchandise by Check or Money Order - Print and Fill Out Order Form: 

1. Send check or money order to:

Vietnam Vets of 2nd Bn 1st Marines

Mario Sagastume : Treasurer
778 Silverado Estates Ct.
Chico CA 95973

[email protected]

2. With your order, clearly indicate size, type, color, etc. of the items you are purchasing.

We are a "Not for Profit" organization. Therefore,  keeping down our expenses works to the benefit of all our members.  Tax Exempt under 501 (c) 3 - Non Profit.
Yes! I wish to support 2/1 and enclosed is my Contribution in the amount of:

Embroidered Logo Shown
Special Order
2/1 Red Jacket

Not receiving our FREE 2/1 Newsletter?  You can sign up for it with your order:
Pay-Pal won't allow a zero amount so you will see a ONE Penny charge.
Red Battalion Hat $35.00
Camo Battalion Hat $35.00
Black Battalion Hat $35.00
Red Battalion 
T-Shirt $35.00
Back of Shirt View
Large Logo
Welcome to our PX
Red T Shirt
Challenge Coin