Paul Mangan
Vice President
Phil Leslie
Ben Dickson
Mario Sagastume
Ron Bates
Phil Odom
Gene Csuti
Ron Sampson
Darnell Oglesby
Vinnie Burdziuk
New Memberships & Renewals
Please return this form with your TAX DEDUCTIBLE Voluntary Donation of $15.00, $25.00, $50.00 –or- $100.00 to:
Vietnam Veterans of 2nd Bn 1st Marines
Mario Sagastume 778 Silverado Estates Ct., Chico, CA 95973
Is this a Renewal ? ___
Yes! I Wish to Support 2/1 and Enclose My Voluntary Dues in the
Amount of: Enclosed $_______
Yes! I wish to receive the newsletter:________
Rank:______ MOS______ Year(s) in Vietnam_______to_______
Nickname________ Your Outfit: i.e. Golf/Fox/Etc.._____________
“Voluntary Memberships Run From January 1st to December 31st”
Your Donation is Tax Exempt Under 501( c ) 3 – Non Profit.
Annual Reunion/Meeting Vietnam Veterans of the Second Battalion, First Marines
Houston/Hobby Marriott Hotel - Houston, Texas * EVENT SCHEDULE 2007 * November 8 - 12
Pre-Registration Form for the Vietnam Veterans of 2nd Bn 1st Marines 2007 Reunion in Houston, Texas
Houston/Hobby Marriott - 9100 Gulf Freeway - Houston TX 77017 - Nov 8 -12 (800) 228-9290 Reservation Code: TWOTWOA
See Our November 2006 Reunion Pictures: CLICK HERE

From the CP
Message from the President
Brothers, Families and Friends of 2/1,
This issue of the 2/1 Newsletter is primarily devoted to our 2007 Reunion in Houston, Texas November 8-12 and I want to take this space to share some information on what is in store for all of you that can make it.
By looking at the reunion Event Schedule on the opposite page you can see that, in addition to our regular reunion events and gatherings, there are new and different activities in store for us this year. We will be marching (in herd) or riding floats in the City of Houston’s Veterans Day Parade and it will be no ordinary parade for most of us because, through the efforts and hard work of our brother Phil Odom, on parade day, the mayor of Houston will be issuing a proclamation calling the day in Honor of the Vietnam Veterans of the Second Battalion, First Marines.
After the parade we will head back to the hotel where there will be a big ol’ Texas tailgate party for us, and all the other veterans that want to join in a Welcome Home Celebration, with a great BBQ (between $10.00 and $12.00 per person), there will also be a couple of bands, other entertainment and some special guests. It should be a good party with a bunch of other Nam Vets from other units as well as a group of young men from the 26th Marine detachment.
Arrangements are being made for a Marine Corps Birthday cake cutting ceremony and it will be interesting to see which Old Corps Marine in the Battalion gets to cut the cake with the youngest Marine at the ceremony. And who knows what kind of movie that all of us can enjoy on what will become known as the “Jim Page Movie Night” in honor of our own Lt.Col. James Page, Foxtrot CO ’65-’66. Let’s all hope Jim brings the movie with him this year. We’ve had a lot of interest over the years in some kind of golf outing so we thought we would (if we have enough for at least four to six foursome’s) hold a golf tourney a try this year. Whether you’re a golfer or not, if you want to have a fun day and hang out with guys with clubs, please check the box on the registration form showing your interest in playing golf and we will get you more info in a couple of months. 

Breakout Sessions.....Breakout Sessions....we started them two years a go in Reno and repeated them in DC last November and we will have some new ones again this year. Ron Bates and Ben Dickson have the point on the speakers, the topics and more details will be provided in a few months.
As always, the Annual Banquet will be one of our most enjoyable events of the week and I can assure you that this year’s will be another memorable evening. But the most memorable part of the reunion, like every gathering we have had since we first came together all those years ago, will be the time we spend as a band of brothers.
So call the Houston Hobby Marriott Hotel at 1-800-228-9290. Give them our group’s RESERVATION CODE of TWOTWOA and plan on a few days of camaraderie with brother 2/1 Marines.
Semper Fidelis, Paul Mangan Foxtrot ’65-‘66
From Iraq: Paul Stevens…
Houston is my hometown. I grew up on the West Side in Spring Branch. I joined the Corps in 1968 at the main recruiting station downtown. I moved to Florida for a new job and my parents still live in the same old house in Spring Branch. My brother and sisters still live there. My oldest daughter and grandchildren live approximately 20 miles south of Kima, Texas near Galveston. (The Kima Boardwalk is a great place to visit). I should be back from Iraq October 1st, 2007 and will try to make the reunion.
I wonder if my buddy Sam Hale from Pennsylvania is going to the reunion? I will be coming home on leave in approximately three (3) weeks.
Semper Fi, Paul

We have ordered Mossy Oaks Long & Short Sleeve Camo Shirts they are 100% Cotton and are great for hunting or just wearing. Also on order are Children’s Hanes Beefy-T’s 100% Cotton. Boy shirts are Navy & Girl shirts are Pink. They feature our 2/1 Logo with “Devil Pup” “Future Marine” or “My Grandpa is a Marine” Embroidered under our logo. They will be available for purchase on our PX May 1st.
Corporate or Individual Sponsorship
In order to help pay for some of the expenses incurred by our organization we will be looking for sponsors.
Corporate Sponsors $250.00 (Business Card Size Advertisement in our Wewsletter plus an Acknowledgement on our Website for 90 days.
Individual Sponsor $100.00 (Business Card Size Message or Advertisement in our Newsletter)
Memorial for Member $25.00 (Personal Message in Newsletter) and posted on our website Dedications Page.
Reunion – Day 1
Thursday 11/08
All day

Advance Party , Recon & Planning, Continues,
Set up Hospitality Room, Purchase Supplies
0900 - 
Hospitality Suite Open [Location – To Be Announced]

2/1 Attendee Registration - Open - PX Open [Location To Be Announced]
1000 – All Day
Arrivals and Hotel Check-in [Hotel Lobby]
1200 – 1300
Lunch (No charge – Location; Hospitality Suite)
1200 - All day
Tours & other activities: Space Center Houston –

Museum of Natural Science – Houston Zoo – Fishing in Galveston – Galleria for

Shopping – (Transportation and entrance information To Be Announced)

Officers/Trustees meeting (Location To Be Announced)
1600 – 1700 
BREAK OUT SESSION - (Location – To Be Announced) ***
1900 – 2200
Opening Day Reception and Presentations (Hosted Bar and hors d’auvre’s)

Hospitality Suite and/or TBA in Local Area - PX Open

Gunny LaChance Dedication (Location – To Be Announced)

Hospitality Suite – PX Closed
Reunion – Day 2
Friday 11/09
0800 - 
Hospitality Suite Open, 2/1 Attendee Registration, PX Open
0900 - 1000
Committee Meetings, Member Service Committee (Location – TBA) 

Reunion Committee (Location - TBA), Communications Committee (Location – TBA)
1200 – 1300 
Lunch (No charge –Hospitality Suite or Location TBA)

1st Annual 2/1 Golf Tournament (Location & details – TBA)
1530 – 1700
BREAK OUT SESSION (Location – TBA) ***
1900 – 2200
Reception and Greetings, (Hosted Bar ), Hospitality Suite and/or TBA in Local Area
1930 - 

“Jim Page Movie Night” – Popcorn and refreshments provided -

(Location and Name of Movie TBA)

Hospitality Suite – PX Closed

Newspaper Article on the Midwest Shelter forwarded to Phil Leslie by Doc Adams
By James Fuller
Daily Herald Staff Writer
Even as the staff at the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans in Wheaton awaited Tammy Duckworth, a sign staked in a yard three doors away was a reminder of the political wars she’s already fought. Roskam for Congress, read the sign. Duckworth arrived at the shelter Wednesday with a new political war to wage: improved health care for veterans. Having lost her congressional bid to Republican Peter Roskam of Wheaton last year, Duckworth is now the director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. The shelter staff believes her firsthand knowledge of the physical and mental wounds of war will bring needed change.
Duckworth delivered the promise of a $128,000 check for the shelter Wednesday. It will be the first facility in the state to reap the benefits of a state scratch-off lottery ticket game earmarked for veterans. She had already visited the facility last summer. At the time, she was in a wheelchair, and the facility hadn’t yet opened. Wednesday, she navigated steps with the aid of a new, $100,000 prosthetic right leg. The shelter has been open for two months and is already at capacity with five residents and a waiting list.
Shelter officials want to expand to 20 residents as soon as next year. To do that, they'll need more money and an easier process to get veterans enrolled in entitled benefits. Ideally, the shelter would like to become a line item in the state budget. Duckworth said such a move must come from the state Legislature. On her end, she’s in the process of hiring a grant writer for the veterans affairs department, a position that hasn't existed. She believes it will bring more federal dollars to Illinois veterans and facilities like the one in Wheaton.
She's also developing a single form to guide Illinois veterans through all the programs they may qualify for. She'd also like to see a relaxing of medical privacy laws so the state can obtain names of veterans as they return home and enroll them in benefit programs faster. Duckworth is to testify in Washington, D.C., next week about long-term care needs for veterans. Among the possible topics is the looming closure of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The Washington facility is under the magnifying glass after news reports of mice, cockroaches and squalor.
Duckworth spent the bulk of her recovery time at Walter Reed after losing her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade blew up the helicopter she was co-piloting in Iraq in 2004. She said Walter Reed is a good example of why at least the health care portion of the VA budget must be mandatory. Walter Reed does fabulous work but lacks a fabulous facility, she said. My truck that I drive around, its got a six-CD changer built into the back, Duckworth said as analogy. Walter Reed has the six-CD changer, except that their six-CD changer is sitting on the front seat, plugged into the cigarette lighter. That’s how they operate.
Duckworth said Walter Reed must remain open while the U.S. is at war, and for up to five years after to address injuries that will take time to surface. She said Walter Reed deserves the bad rap its getting for the conditions, but the staff isn't to blame. The now-infamous Building 18 at the heart of the squalor was condemned while Duckworth was a patient, she said, but was reopened to house an influx of patients. They ran out of space, she said. They are being forced to expand their services while their money is being cut.