In Memory of:
James J. Little
2nd Bn 1st Marines
Echo Company 1965-1966
2/1 Platoon Sergeant
Submitted by: Tom Isenburg
Jim Little, 2nd Platoon, Echo Company Platoon Sergeant, passed away peacefully on Sunday July 15, 2007.
Born James J. Little, on December 18, 1935 in Topeka, Kansas, 13th of 13 Children
Died: July 15, 2007 at St Francis Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee
Friday, July 20, 2007: Visitation and Services, at McDaniel Funeral Home, Kennett, MO
Burial at Fairview Cemetery, Coaksville, Pennsylvania c/o Wileds Funeral Home
1st Sergeant Little entered the Marine Corps and fought in Korea from 1953 to 1955. He led FMF Marines ashore at Lebanon in 1958 and as he said scared the hell out of a lot of vacationing tourists.
He formed and trained 2nd Platoon, Echo Company in early 1965 and deployed with the Battalion in August 1965. He was awarded the Silver Star for actions during Operation Harvest Moon, and upon the loss of our Platoon Commander lead the platoon throughout late spring of 1966 in the Dong Ha area of I-Corps. Jim was severely wounded during operations near the Rock Pile in July 1966 and transferred State side for treatment.
From late 1966 to 1967 Jim underwent numerous surgeries and was returned to light duty as a Recruiter in Eastern Pennsylvania obtaining one of the highest numbers of recruits from that region which says volumes of his persuasive powers. He convinced college and high school graduates to join the Corps and almost certainly serve in Vietnam, all from a wheel chair.
Jim is being remembered at the following two places:
Faith United Methodist Church
Box 224
Kennett, MO 63857
Caruthersville Humane Society
500 Industrial Drive
Caruthersville, MO 63830
Donations in lieu of flowers is appreciated.

up Jim's hooch office and over much protest from Jim, the VA closed the office and transferred Jim back home.
For the last 30 years he has traveled extensively throughout the Midwest taking care of "his Marines, Sailors, Airman and Soldiers" insuring that they get fair treatment. He had recently retired from over 52 years of service to his country.
Jim is survived by his long time partner, Bonnie Campbell Little, brothers and sisters and the Marines and Corpsman of 2nd Platoon.
Former LT Doug Pickersgill, 2nd Platoon Commander; 2nd Platoon Corpsman, Steve Doc Byars, 1st Platoon Paul Stenzel, and former Cpls/Sgts Don Hicks and Tom Isenburg will attend the services on Friday in Kennet, Missouri. The Kennett detachment of the Marine Corps League will render honors with we members of 2nd Platoon.
Those of us who had the privilege of serving with Jim Little and meeting his dear Bonnie at home and at the 2/1 Reunions know that who we are as Marines, Corpsman and as civilians is in large measure due to Jim Little's leadership, caring and devotion to his Marines and Country. He will
be sorely missed.
In 1968 he "fully" recovered, or at least the Navy Doctors wanted to get rid of him and returned him to full duty where he signed on and became company Gunny for FMF Marines operating in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately he aggravated his wounds and was given the choice of a medical discharge and transfer to and become a VA case worker or man a desk. He chose the VA. In 1970 he convinced the VA that he should return to Vietnam and meet with the troops to discuss their VA benefits from a "foxhole perspective." Apparently, the VC didn't want the troops discussing VA benefits and blew