D-Day and Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz
The allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy 79 years ago today.
Normandy Invasion, also called Operation Overlord or D-Day during World War II, was the Allied invasion of Western Europe and was launched on June 6, 1944.
My twin brother Don and I were born four-months earlier in Culver City, California. During our military career Don and I were stationed at the Naval Hospital in Oakland, California. It just so happened that Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz was admitted to the hospital the day Don and I reported to our new duty station. The detailer assigned me to be the personal corpsman to Admiral Nimitz and I was his personal corpsman for six months.
During these months the Admiral and I had some lengthy discussions on his adventures. Looking back, I wish I had a tape recorder to record some of these events. I asked him about D-day, and I think I said, “the longest Day†but that term was not used until the John Wayne movie was made, I believe it was in 1962. The Admiral was quiet for a while, then he said it was the worse day in American history, or something to that affect. Nothing more was said, so I let it die. I could tell that he was in deep thought. I felt bad about asking that question as he was feeling very melancholy until his wife showed up for her daily visit.
He did say that he did not participate in the D-Day invasion. He was busy with his other duties as he was the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet during World War II and was responsible for the Allied victory in the Pacific theater.
In one of my books, I wrote a story pacifically about my time with Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. I truly feel that God directed me to spend time with the Admiral. It was a GREAT HONOR and privilege to serve him as a Navy Corpsman. I was with him until his death on Feb. 20,1966.
Chester Nimitz died four days before his birthday. It seems ironic to me that he was born on Feb 24, 1885, and Don and I were born on February 25, 1944. The Admiral and I had a laugh about that.
Throughout the years I have thought of the Admiral and cherish his memory.
Semper Frater (Always Brothers)
HMCM Ronald C. Mosbaugh
USNR Retired

By Corpsman Ronald C. Mosbaugh
2/1 Hotel Company 1966-1967